Train chain pulling rules for genuine reasonsChain Pulling In Train: Facts You Must Know

We all know what chain pulling is, but only a few of us may have used it. The red Chain on the trains’ ceiling is mounted to help the passengers stop the train in case of an emergency. Since the engine and guard coach are at the extreme ends of the train, the Chain gives passengers some degree of control over the train’s movement.
You should be conscious that you cannot pull the Chain as and when you want. There must be a legitimate reason for Chain pulling in a train, or else it would be considered a punishable offence.
How Chain Pulling in Trains works?
The emergency braking system in trains works through pressurized air, which keeps the brake pads separated. At the point when you pull the Chain, air pressure is discharged, and brake pads stick to the wheels to stop the train. The brake is synchronously applied to all coaches in the train when you pull the Chain.
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Can loco pilots override the emergency braking system in trains?
When you pull the Chain, the loco pilot quickly gets a warning, demonstrating that the air pressure is falling. The loco pilots override the emergency braking system in trains by increasing air pressure and keep on driving the drain. However, this alternative is exceptional these days. Overriding the emergency braking system in trains was utilized during earlier times when passing through places where there was danger from dacoits, crime-prone areas or other comparable risks.
But today the setup rules command that loco pilots should consider all Chain pulling events as genuine emergencies. A loco pilot is answerable for Chain pulling in a train to the higher authorities if they override the train’s emergency braking system.
How does the train start moving again?
When the affected Chain pulling in the train coach is identified, the air discharge valve is reset. This takes the air pressure back to normal. When all the enquiries have been solved and issues are taken care of by RPF and train staff, the train begins moving once more.
How does RPF know about the location of chain pulling?
If by chance you pulled the Chain, don’t expect that you can escape. First of all, there will be your co-travellers who will probably report your activities to the RPF. Furthermore, emergency flashers turn on automatically on the sidewalls of the coach where the Chain was pulled. Thus, you will get captured if you have pulled the Chain just for pranks at some point or another.
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Train chain pulling rules for genuine reasons

Chain Pulling in the train rules is valid only for emergencies such as:
● When someone is falling off the train
● In the case of Medical emergencies and medical help like immediate treatment, hospitalization or medicines.
● The relatives, family member or friends left at the station
● The tragedy of fire in the train
● Facilitate boarding of persons of older age or differently-abled
● Safety emergencies such as robbery or snatch-and-run cases
● Railway authorities evaluate many other valid train chain pulling rules
Chain pulling without a valid reason is punishable.
Chain pulling isn’t considered encouraging of a person who is late and is yet to onboard the available train. Another common misuse of train chain pulling rules includes de-boarding trains at non-halting stations. Now and again, individuals additionally do it for no particular reason without knowing the results. Every act of these is punishable under Section 141 of the Indian Railways Act. The guilty individual or passenger can be fined up to Rs 1,000 or additionally sent to prison for one year.
Chain pulling is for your benefit and safety, so use it just for genuine reasons. You ought to likewise understand that chain pulling can delay the trains and trains on the route. Chain pulling in trains is a punishable offence, so you should be cautious about what you are doing.
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